Should You Purchase a Supplemental Insurance Policy with Medicare?
Posted: April 16, 2019
If you’re over the age of 65 and eligible, Medicare can provide relatively low-cost coverage that makes sense. There are still gaps, and some people choose to purchase supplemental insurance to cover what Medicare doesn’t. These supplemental policies are often referred to as “Medigap.” Medicare Coverage To be eligible for these supplemental policies, you must already be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B. Part...
When Are You Eligible for Medicare?
Posted: January 15, 2019
Medicare is America’s health insurance program for people age 65 and older. It is funded with a portion of the payroll taxes paid by workers and their employers and premiums deducted by the government from Social Security payments. People under the age of 65 with disabilities or certain health conditions can also qualify for this program. Medicare can help with medical expenses, but it does...